Parish Administration
His Grace, Bishop Gregory of Nyssa, Diocesan Bishop
Voice: (814) 539-9143
Email Bishop Gregory His Grace, Bishop Gregory of Nyssa, is the spirtual leader of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese, which maintains offices at 312 Garfield Street, Johnstown, Pennsylvania, 15906.
His Grace, Bishop Gregory was consecrated as Bishop and enthroned as the Ruling Hierarch of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA on November 27, 2012.
His Grace celebrates his Name's Day (St. Gregory Palamas) on November 14/27.
Under His Grace's care is our Diocesan Christ the Saviour Seminary, also in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, which trains future priests and deacons of our Diocese. In addition, the Diocese maintains Camp Nazareth Youth and Retreat Center in Mercer, Pennsylvania.
Bishop Gregory also serves as Episcopal Liaison to the Orthodox Christian Fellowship and Chairman of Committee for Agencies and Endorsed Organizations of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America.
Very Rev. Dr. Edward Pehanich, Presiding Priest
Voice: (724) 258-3785
Father Edward Pehanich is a native of the Feltsville Patch section of Taylor, Pa. He is a graduate of Marywood University - Scranton, Pa.; Christ the Savior Seminary - Johnstown, Pa.; and received the Doctor of Ministry from St. Vladimir's Seminary - Crestwood, N.Y. He was ordained deacon by His Grace, Bishop John (Martin) the day before his untimely repose in 1984 and was the first priest ordained by His Grace, Bishop Nicholas (Smisko) in 1985. He served as the interim pastor of St. Nicholas Church in Homestead, Pa in 1985 and later that year was assigned to St. Gregory of Nyssa Church in Seaford, Long Island, New York. He also served at the former St. Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Hicksville, Long Island, New York .
He completed Clinical Pastoral Education at Queens General Hospital and supervisory Clinical Pastoral Education at the New York Presbyterian Hospital both in New York City. He is a diplomate/supevisor in the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy (CPSP). He was a staff chaplain and the Director of Pastoral Care for Hospice Care Network on Long Island from 1991-2004.
In 2004 he was assigned as the pastor of St. Nicholas Church in Monongahela, Pa. and its sister parish of St. Nicholas in Jacobs Creek, Pa. He serves as the supervisor of Clinical Pastoral Education at Family Hospice and Palliative Care in Pittsburgh. He is married to the former Kathleen Makuch and they are blessed with a daughter, Irene.